Highly reliable systems are often required in key communications, computing and control environments. SAFplus enables the applications running on it to achieve 99.999% reliability through its fault tolerant, rapid failover and low latency architecture. Padtec and SAIC have utilized SAFplus to build highly available systems.
Like all high density networking devices, Padtec’s high bandwidth optical core router has strict availability requirements since a failure would affect a large amount of traffic. OpenClovis SAFplus rapidly detects software or hardware failures and then automatically switches over active service to alternate Padtec applications running on redundant hardware. Failover is in the order of 10ms.
SAIC’s unmanned maritime robot is designed to sail autonomously out at sea for months on end. For keeping surface ships from becoming targets of submarines, SAIC turned to OpenClovis and their 99.999% highly reliable SAFplus platform. It is envisaged that the only reason to bring the craft back to port would be to replenish fuel – the controlling, systems and communications hardware and software, based on SAFplus, is expected to run forever.
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