
  • Understanding the OpenClovis Checkpointing Service (CPS)
    A High Availability Solution for Seamless Application Failover In high-availability systems, data consistency during failovers or switchovers is essential to maintain application continuity. The OpenClovis Checkpointing Service (CPS) serves as a critical infrastructure component, allowing applications to synchronize runtime data, thereby ensuring seamless transitions in the event of a failover or switchover.   Key… Read more: Understanding the OpenClovis Checkpointing Service (CPS)
  • NFV Made Easy With SAFplus
         Implement NFV with SAFplus There is heightened interest in Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) as carriers push to reduce operating costs and decrease deployment time for new services. SAFplus makes NFV easy by facilitating a gradual transition of your network elements into the new era of virtualization. Legacy equipment doesn’t have to disappear overnight,… Read more: NFV Made Easy With SAFplus
  • OpenSAF Alternative – SAFplus is Better for Developers
    6 Reasons to Switch to SAFplus from OpenSAF   OpenSAF has been a popular solution for developers wanting to add High Availability (HA) to their product. As the name suggests, OpenSAF provides open source middleware software based on the Service Availability (SA) forum’s specification. Whilst this is a great option for developers wanting a… Read more: OpenSAF Alternative – SAFplus is Better for Developers
  • Implement High Availability Easily with SAFPlus
    Synopsis: High availability can be implemented in your system quickly and easily by employing OpenClovis’s SAFplus High Availability Platform. By following these few short steps, the primitive procedure of restarting software or machines (nodes) that fail, will soon be a thing of the past. [click title for full article]
  • High Availability Pervasive Across Corporate and Consumer Products
    Synopsis: High Availability – the art of creating computing services that keep running even when things go wrong – has moved from an esoteric feature buried deeply in highly specialized network hardware, to being essential in nearly every enterprise and consumer activity. The need to monitor, report and alleviate failures is paramount, thereby minimizing inconvenience and loss of revenue [click title for full article]